DK Life Stories Florence Nightingale – Kitson Jazynka

In this kids’ biography, discover the fascinating story of Florence Nightingale, who cared for British soldiers during wartime as the “Lady of the Lamp” and changed the field of nursing.

Florence Nightingale was a pioneer of nursing at a time when women were discouraged from working outside the home, especially in the field of science. She saved many lives both on and off the battlefield through implementing a new standard of medical care, and by leading groups of nurses to improve conditions. In this biography for kids ages 8-12, learn all about the inspiring story of Florence Nightingale–social reformer, statistician, and mother of modern nursing who bucked the social norms of her day and changed the world.

DK Life Stories go beyond the basic facts to tell the true life stories of history’s most interesting people. Full-color photographs and hand-drawn illustrations complement thoughtfully written, age-appropriate text to create an engaging book children will enjoy reading. Definition boxes, information sidebars, fun facts, maps, inspiring quotes, and other nonfiction text features add depth, and a handy reference section at the back makes this series perfect for school reports and projects. Each book also includes an author’s introduction letter, a glossary, and an index.


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早教365 » DK Life Stories Florence Nightingale – Kitson Jazynka



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