DK 编程书 Coding Projects in Scratch 2019 第二版 英文版

About Coding Projects in Scratch

A step-by-step visual guide to creating your own projects using Scratch 3.0.
Techy kids will get familiar with Scratch 3.0 using this beginner’s guide to coding. Difficult coding concepts become easy and fun to understand as budding programmers build their own projects using Scratch 3.0, the latest software from the world’s most popular programming language for beginners.
Make a Dino Dance Party or create your own electronic birthday cards. Build games, simulations, and mind-bending graphics as you discover the awesome things computer programmers can do with Scratch 3.0.
Coding Projects in Scratch, 2nd Edition uses a visual step-by-step approach to split complicated code into manageable, easy-to-digest chunks, so that the most impressive projects become possible.
Suitable for complete beginners, this book will give young readers a solid understanding of programming, preparing
them to create their very own projects from scratch, and even move on to more complex programming languages like Python.


Pages: 224Published: 06 Aug 2019

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早教365 » DK 编程书 Coding Projects in Scratch 2019 第二版 英文版



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