DK 2020新书 My Book of Gymnastics 我的体操书 英文高清PDF

My Book of Gymnastics
Pages: 64
Published: 04 May 2020
About My Book of Gymnastics
Discover the incredible world of gymnastics in this kids’ book for 7-9 year olds.
Learn your backsprings from your bridges in this first gymnastics book for young fans and future Olympians. Meet the stars of the gymnastics world in this sports book, from Simone Biles to Max Whitlock, and find out how they train and perfect routines to take to the floor and wow the judging panel.
With tons of photos and step-by-step illustrations, this book breaks down the complicated moves that make up a gymnastic routine, covering both simple and high-level gymnastics. Parallel bars, pommel horses, and other key pieces of equipment are profiled alongside how they’re used in routines. The differences among rhythmic, acrobatic, and artistic gymnastics are explained with the help of exciting photos of expert gymnasts. Introducing world-champion individuals and international teams, this guide is great for kids who are obsessed with all things gymnastics.


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早教365 » DK 2020新书 My Book of Gymnastics 我的体操书 英文高清PDF



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