[4个推荐的绘本动画] 太多玩具,我的小熊不见了,一寸一…

[4个推荐的绘本动画] 太多玩具,我的小熊不见了,一寸一寸,华莱士的单子
DVD清晰 mkv格式, 3G
Too many toys 太多玩具
Caldecott Honor winner and bestselling author-illustrator
David Shannon makes readers laugh aloud when young Spencer’s
mountain of toys becomes overwhelming. A book that will be
read again and again.
I lost my bear 我的小熊不见了
What do you do when your favorite toy disappears?
What if your family is NO help at all? A determined
little detective heads up the search, and discovers
more than she ever expected!

Inch by inch 一寸一寸
李欧·李奥尼的作品, 不用介绍

Wallaces Lists 华莱士的单子
A delightful, heart-warming book.
Wallace, a mouse, could do almost anything.
Anything that is, as long as he had a list.


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早教365 » [4个推荐的绘本动画] 太多玩具,我的小熊不见了,一寸一…




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