DK 2020新书 How to be a Math Wizard 如何成为数学奇才 PDF

How to be a Math Wizard
Pages: 144
Published: 18 May 2020
About How to be a Math Wizard
Bring math to life with this exciting new math activity book for kids.
With 30 activities and crafts that children can play their way through, this kids’ book takes the fear out of math–and gives you the skills to become a math expert. Children will find out that being a mathematician isn’t just about scrawling numbers on a dusty chalkboard–it’s part of our everyday lives! How to Be a Math Wizard teaches kids to think like math pros as they ask mathematical questions and get hands-on with key math concepts. From calculation and numbers; to space, shape, and measure; all core curriculum math topics are covered in creative and engaging ways.
This book invites kids to investigate math in a playful, hands-on way, using things from around the house: find out about perimeter by designing and building a mini house, practice multiplication through a game of bingo, sweeten probability through chocolate, and uncover the mystery of coordinates through a treasure map.
If you like solving problems, making things, and learning facts, then this is the book for you, mathematician!



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早教365 » DK 2020新书 How to be a Math Wizard 如何成为数学奇才 PDF




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