
这一次,Frizzle小姐的班级正在画着恐龙,可是Drothy Ann的画作却是她自己的宠物鹦鹉,Ralphie告诉她鹦鹉是一种鸟,不是恐龙,谁才是对的呢?Frizzle小姐和同学们乘着神奇校车回到恐龙时代,去探寻这个问题的答案。你也想知道更多恐龙的故事吗?赶紧和我们一起登上神奇校车吧!
Ms. Frizzle’s class is drawing dinosaurs. But Dorothy Ann’s picture is of her pet parrot. Ralphie tells her a parrot is a bird, not a dinosaur. Who’s right?
When Ms. Frizzle and her class hop on the Magic School Bus to try to find the answer to this question, they are transported back in time to the age of the dinosaurs. Climb on board the Magic School Bus and learn all kinds of facts about dinosaurs!


Martin Schwabacher is a published author of children’s books. Some of the published credits of Martin Schwabacher include Fishy Field Trip (Magic School Bus #18), Butterflies (Animals, Animals).


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