DK Coding Games in Python儿童编码教程

Coding Games in Python

A visual step-by-step guide to writing code in Python.
Beginners and experienced programmers can use Python to build and play computer games, from mind-bending brainteasers to crazy action games with explosive sound effects and 3-D graphics.
Each chapter in Coding Games in Python shows how to construct a complete working game in simple numbered steps. The book teaches how to use freely available resources, such as PyGame Zero and Blender, to add animations, music, scrolling backgrounds, 3-D scenery, and other pieces of professional wizardry to games. After building a game, instructions show how to adapt it using secret hacks and cheat codes. Instructions are illustrated with zany Minecraft-style pixel art.
Master the key concepts that programmers need to write code–not just in Python, but in all programming languages. Find out what bugs, loops, flags, strings, tuples, toggles, and turtles are. Learn how to plan and design the ultimate game–and then play it to destruction as you test and debug it.
With coding theory interwoven into the instructions for building each game, learning coding is made effortless and fun.

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